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Mindfully spending at least 20 minutes a day in green space (bush, parks, your garden) or blue space (in or near the ocean, a river or lake)
has been shown to significantly reduce stress.

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Karen Haddon
Founder of Mindful EAS

Karen Haddon is a compassionate and experienced mindfulness, compassion and yoga teacher with over 25 years of personal practice. Teaching evidence-based mindfulness, compassion and positive wellbeing programs since 2015, Karen combines her expertise in mindfulness with a genuine warm, compassionate and curious nature when engaging with participants in the programs she leads.

in 2016, Karen established her own business, Mindful EAS, and also delivers programs on behalf of Openground Australian Centre for Mindfulness and Smiling Mind in W.A. As part of the Cancer Council WA Life Now Facilitator Team she leads mindfulness and meditation course for people affected by cancer and their caregivers. Additionally, Karen is currently engaged in a 12 month contract with Befriend Inc, where she focuses on developing, facilitating, and evaluating programs designed to empower individuals to engage with and enrich their communities. She is frequently approached by other organisations to deliver mindfulness programs or contribute to mindfulness course materials under their brands.


Karen finds deep inspiration in witnessing the transformations that occur in the lives of those who embrace mindfulness, compassion, gratefulness, and positive well-being habits. One particularly touching experience for her was leading a 10-week Mindfulness Based Program for returned service men and women suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. This program, conducted as part of a research study, yielded positive improvements in various measures for its participants.

Throughout 2020 and into 2021, as the world shifted, Karen seamlessly adapted to delivering her programs live online through Zoom and Microsoft Teams and has been surprised at the effectiveness for participants who have taken these courses in the online world. Thankfully, she has also predominantly been able to continue to teach in-person in Perth WA.

Her passion for staying up to date on the latest research and teaching methods in mindfulness, compassion and positive wellbeing programs sees Karen continuing her studies in these areas. She has completed professional training in:


  • Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction - with Mindfulness Training Institute Australasia

  • Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy – with Mindfulness Training Institute Australasia

  • Mindful Self-Compassion – through the Centre for Mindful Self-Compassion USA

  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy – Dr Russ Harris, Melbourne Australia

  • Laughter, Resilience and Wellbeing - La Trobe University with Ros Ben-Moshe

  • Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction for Teens – with Gina Beigel of Stressed Teens USA

  • Mindful Schools Curriculum – with Mindful Schools USA

  • Mindfulness in Schools Project. B for 11–18-year old’s – with MiSP UK

  • Mindful Parenting incorporating Mindfulness and Circle of Security Parenting – with Circle Of Security Australia

  • Positive Neuroplasticity Professional Training – with Dr Rick Hanson USA

  • Trauma Sensitive Mindfulness – with Dr David Treleaven

  • Yoga Teacher Training – with The Yoga Space Perth (500hr)

  • Core Gift Discovery Master Facilitator Certification - with Core Gift Institute Canada

  • Map of Meaning Introduction (and hopes to join the Practitioner Cohort in 2024) - Map of Meaning International

Between her work for Openground and Smiling Mind, as well as some other providers and under her own brand, Karen has taught: 25 rounds of the Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction course; 15 rounds of other mindfulness based programs, including MSC, MBCT, MSPE and MBSR-Teens; she has lead mindfulness workshops with over 140 small and large business’; worked closely with 3 elite sport teams; and facilitated mindfulness training with teachers from over 150 different schools across Australia and The Priory school in Canada.

Karen has also presented at the following WA conferences:
- Positive Schools Conference – 2017
- The Curtin Education Conference – 2018
- The Perth Mindfulness Conference – Committee Member and Presenter - 2018
- Zero2hero in Your Head Conference – 2017 and 2018

- Western Australian Assistant Teachers Association - 2019

- Catholic Primary Principals Association WA Conference - 2021

- Armadale Lets Connect Expo - 2024

She has contributed to articles printed in The West Australian and has been interviewed live on 6PR, ECU Radio, Radio 107.3 FM Heritage.


Karen's diverse portfolio reflects her commitment to spreading mindfulness and positive wellbeing practices across various sectors and communities, leaving a lasting impact on individuals and organisations alike.

In her spare time, Karen loves spending time with her daughters and husband, bush walking, swimming in the ocean, practicing yoga outside in green space, reading, and wandering amongst the incredible biodiversity of West Australia’s bush taking macro photos of wildflowers and insects.


The background photos on this website are all taken by Karen.


Karen is deeply grateful to all of the teachers she has had the great fortune to learn from and study with along the way. You can find out about the teachers Karen has encountered along the way here. 

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